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Our History

The Memorial was formulated around 2011, when GriefWork-Uniting were supporting a significant number of families who had lost a loved family member to the transport industry.

The Memorial became a Uniting project, strongly supported by the management of Uniting.

Rev. John Bottomley was the Director of Creative Ministries Network, Bette Phillips-Campbell the team Leader for GriefWork led the families and the service preparations.

As with most aspects of the GriefWork support service, we had encouraged the families to meet in a supportive environment. It was during one of the meetings that it was noted that a gathering for families who had been impacted by a death in the transport industry whether it was a truck crash incident, or illness related to the work of the drivers, be held in Victoria. A Committee was formed.

The Committee was made up of;

Faye Batt, Robert Batt, Katie Todd, Tessa Bollington, Barbra Maddern, Van Schaik and Sandra Fraser Mason.

The Committee became the Victorian Truck Drivers Memorial Group, and so we began to seek a venue that made it possible to hold a gathering of families.

After some meetings it was decided to look at Alexandra, Victoria, with around the same travelling distance for most family members and friends. Alexandra also held the one of the largest and most successful Truck shows in Victoria.

A decision was made that Alexandra would be great for families, friends and drivers, who could attend a service on the Saturday and enjoy the Truck Show on the Sunday. 

In 2013 a delegate of the committee made an appointment to meet with the members of Alexandra Events, and so after a meeting with Andrew Embling and Gordon Simpson, who were moved by the stories they heard, agreed to assist us with a service.

The Committee worked with Andrew and Gordon to create a sacred space for a service, Rev Paul Creasy was the Minister invited by Katie Todd to offer a prayer for the drivers who h ad died. Paul had performed the marriage service for Katie and her husband, just one year before the service was to take place. 

We acknowledge the support of Ms Toni Carter, from Essence Café, who hosted our meetings that followed, her support was given freely. She had strong connections to the transport industry. It was her suggestion that we create an honour board that she would display in her café. The Board reflects the founding families for the annual service, which we had decided to hold. At this point a Memorial Wall was not envisaged.


Some 350 or more came to the first service, and Andrew Embling offered to build a Wall  supporting families who lost a loved one to a work-related death.

The Wall began to take shape, and Hallam Truck Centre offered to financially support the cost of the plaques, so that there was no cost to the family who were placing a loved one’s plaque on the Wall. This warm relationship is still strong today and with the added support of the CMV Foundation who continue to provide support we remain able to avoid charging families for plaques.

There was a great deal of support from the Alexandra Community by way of donation of material and of course the volunteers who built the Wall itself. The construction was led by Andrew Embling.

When the site was decided, CMM/GriefWork held a blessing of the cite, where some 50 dignitaries attended, including the CEO and Mayor of Murrindindi Shire Council.


It was particularly encouraging to have the Chair of the National Memorial, Mr Doug McMillan at the Blessing of the site and the first service.

During the building of the Wall, the Committee of families attended and made BBQ lunch, and at the completion of the Wall, GriefWork presented each volunteer with a certificate of appreciation for their dedication and support. At the Service Katie Todd presented Andrew and Gordon with a “hoodie”, featuring the purple truck that has become the emblem of the Memorial. The design was created by the founding members.

2014 saw the first plaques being placed on the newly made Victorian Truck Drivers Memorial, and a service was held. The Hon. Gary Blackwood, secretary to the Minister for Transport opened the Wall. 

Since the service began it has been a sacred place for those who attend, and the families appreciate the delegation from the other Memorials, Tasmania, South Australia and of course the National Truck Drivers Memorial, Tarcutta.

In 2020, a committee was formed and the decision to incorporate the Committee began, with the hard work of the Committee and in particular Mrs Margaret Rae, who steered us through the baffling procedure.

The Committee makes up of GriefWork-Uniting (Vic/Tas), Alexandra Events and three Community Members.

The Current Committee are;

Mr Craig Lloyd  - (President) Community Member

MS Bette Phillips-Campbell (Vice President) GriefWork-Uniting

Mr Barry Naismith - GriefWork-Uniting

Mr Andrew Embling - Alexandra Events

Mr Gordon Simpson - Alexandra Events

Mrs Leonie Isaacs - (Secretary & Treasurer) Community Member

Ms Teagan Wallace - (Media Officer) Community Member

Victorian Truck Drivers Memorial

Contact Us

Postal Address:

7 Tregunter Street,

Ascot Vale,

VIC 3032

©2022 Victorian Truck Drivers Memorial Inc.

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